
Here are benchmarking results for «Optimizing Performance of Simple Version Parsing in Scala» blog post.

The performance tests are performed via JMH. The configuration of a hardware is Intel® Core™ i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz × 8 (4 core + 4 HT) with 16 GB RAM. Scala version: 2.13.6.

Performance Charts

avg - average, min - minimal, p50 - percentile 50 (median), p95 - percentile 95, p99 - percentile 99, max - maximum

Parsing Performance of valid input

Parsing Performance NO ALLOC of valid input

Parsing Performance Comparison of valid input

Parsing Performance of different valid inputs

Parsing Performance of invalid input

Memory Charts

All charts below show normalized allocation rate -- how many bytes were allocated for a single call.

Alloc Rate of valid input

Alloc Rate of valid input for NO ALLOC version

Alloc Rate Comparison of valid input

Alloc Rate of valid inputs

Full JMH logs:openjdk-11, openjdk-17.