It’s time to consolidate my Base64 findings: take the best of JVM world, the best of Rust world and benchmark it together from within the JVM.

In this article I’m going to benchmark Base64 encoding/decoding performance of java.util.Base64 versus base64 and base64-simd crates via JNI. Along the way we will explore intricacies of calling native libraries from JVM and ways to improve its performance.

Let’s start from beginning…

How to JNI?

There are multiple resources on how to work with JNI. For example this guide. Because I’m going to use Rust, the relevant guide is on the jni crate documentation itself. Basically, we start with something simple:

package com.komanov.jwt.base64.jni;

public abstract class NativeBazel {
    static {

    public static native byte[] decodeConfigUrlSafe1(byte[] encoded);

Then we need to generate a C-header file for it:

java -h

In return we get file com_komanov_jwt_base64_jni_NativeBazel.h:

/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class com_komanov_jwt_base64_jni_NativeBazel */

#ifndef _Included_com_komanov_jwt_base64_jni_NativeBazel
#define _Included_com_komanov_jwt_base64_jni_NativeBazel
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
 * Class:     com_komanov_jwt_base64_jni_NativeBazel
 * Method:    decodeConfigUrlSafe1
 * Signature: ([B)[B
  (JNIEnv *, jclass, jbyteArray);
  #ifdef __cplusplus

And for Rust we need to create a file (we need to use a generated function name Java_com_komanov_jwt_base64_jni_NativeBazel_decodeConfigUrlSafe1, but it’s very long, so I cut it just for the post to look good):

use base64;
use jni::JNIEnv;
use jni::objects::JClass;
use jni::sys::jbyteArray;

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigUrlSafe1(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
) -> jbyteArray {
  let result = base64::decode_config(
  return env.byte_array_from_slice(&result).unwrap();

This would be our first and the simplest implementation using base64 crate.

Also, don’t forget to make your native library ( in case of Linux) discoverable to JVM by specifying it’s location via command line argument -Djava.library.path=.

The First Benchmark

Next thing is to write a benchmark Java vs Rust via JNI. Easy, right? First results:

Benchmark              (length)      Score       Error  Units

jdk_url_decode              100    232.112 ±     3.565  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig1       100    662.213 ±    30.668  ns/op

jdk_url_decode            10000  19530.268 ±   590.507  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig1     10000  12403.311 ±    99.469  ns/op

And the chart for all payload sizes (openjdk-17, for previous versions JDK implementation performs slightly worse):

Performance of JDK vs base64::decode_config ver. 1

Somewhere between payload size of 500 and 1000 performance converges and then Rust via JNI starts to perform better. However… If we take a look on the Rust performance without JNI, we would see this:

Performance of base64::decode_config ver. 1 without JNI

It’s actually pretty close: 12.4 μs (microseconds) with JNI vs 10.2 μs without JNI. Approximately 20% overhead of JNI. Let’s try to decrease it.

Optimize It!

Disclaimer 1: I didn’t save actual results from all different runs, so I’m going to use the final results, but I’m going to describe everything in the more or less the same order as I proceeded during my research.

Disclaimer 2: micro-optimizations aren’t simple, the benchmarking results are not that simple, beware of it — you need to benchmark your system yourself, sometimes successful benchmark of a smaller thing may not be visible after integration to a bigger system.

Let’s take a look at the implementation again:

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigUrlSafe1(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
) -> jbyteArray {
  let result = base64::decode_config(
  return env.byte_array_from_slice(&result).unwrap();

Here we perform 3 operations:

  1. env.convert_byte_array converts byte[] to Vec<u8>: we can’t access directly byte array, because it’s in a managed heap of JVM and may be moved.
  2. decode_config decodes Base64.
  3. env.byte_array_from_slice converts [u8] (byte slice) back to byte[].

Let’s try to replace certain parts and see how it affects the performance.

Use get_byte_array_elements instead of convert_byte_array

There are few methods for working with array, one of them is get_byte_array_elements:

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigUrlSafe2(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
) -> jbyteArray {
  let arr = env.get_byte_array_elements(
  let sl = unsafe {
    from_raw_parts(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8, arr.size().unwrap() as usize)
  let result = base64::decode_config(sl, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).unwrap();
  return env.byte_array_from_slice(&result).unwrap();

And the benchmark:

Benchmark              (length)      Score       Error  Units

jni_url_decodeConfig1       100    662.213 ±    30.668  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig2       100    538.772 ±     4.381  ns/op

jni_url_decodeConfig1     10000  12403.311 ±    99.469  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig2     10000  12355.233 ±   620.308  ns/op

Slightly better.

Passing array size explicitly

Under the hood of arr.size() is another call to JNIEnv object to get_array_length method. Instead of that we can pass array’s length via arguments (and hope that marshalling of int is very cheap):

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigUrlSafe3(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
  size: usize,
) -> jbyteArray {
  let arr = env.get_byte_array_elements(
  let sl = unsafe {
    from_raw_parts(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8, size)
  let result = base64::decode_config(sl, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).unwrap();
  return env.byte_array_from_slice(&result).unwrap();

And the benchmark:

Benchmark              (length)      Score       Error  Units

jni_url_decodeConfig2       100    538.772 ±     4.381  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig3       100    505.095 ±    44.893  ns/op

jni_url_decodeConfig2     10000  12355.233 ±   620.308  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig3     10000  12252.848 ±    40.396  ns/op

Slightly better.

Use get_primitive_array_critical instead of get_byte_array_elements

Yet another way of accessing byte[] is by using get_primitive_array_critical. There’s caveat of using this method: it may prevent Garbage Collector from running, so it’s assumed that this method should be accessed for a short period of time, without any extra calls to JNI.

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigUrlSafe4(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
  size: usize,
) -> jbyteArray {
  let arr = env.get_primitive_array_critical(

  let sl = unsafe {
    from_raw_parts(arr.as_ptr() as *mut u8, size)

  let result = base64::decode_config(sl, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).unwrap();
  return env.byte_array_from_slice(&result).unwrap();

And the benchmark:

Benchmark              (length)      Score       Error  Units

jni_url_decodeConfig3       100    505.095 ±    44.893  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4       100    455.117 ±     3.990  ns/op

jni_url_decodeConfig3     10000  12252.848 ±    40.396  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4     10000  11942.370 ±   330.573  ns/op

Slightly better :)

Use base64::decode_config_slice

At the time of this benchmark, there was a bug that allocated more memory then needed in decode_config method, so I tried to allocate memory by myself:

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigSliceUrlSafe1(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
  size: usize,
) -> jbyteArray {
  let mut buffer = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(size * 3 / 4);
  let arr = env.get_byte_array_elements(
  let (input_slice, mut output_slice) = unsafe {
      from_raw_parts(arr.as_ptr() as *const u8, size),
      from_raw_parts_mut(buffer.as_mut_ptr(), buffer.capacity()),

  let size = base64::decode_config_slice(
    &mut output_slice,
  // simplified assert, correct probably only for benchmark data.
  assert_eq!(size, buffer.capacity());

  unsafe {

  return env.byte_array_from_slice(&buffer).unwrap();

And the benchmark:

Benchmark               (length)      Score       Error  Units

jni_url_decodeConfig2        100    538.772 ±     4.381  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4        100    455.117 ±     3.990  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1   100    506.076 ±     5.490  ns/op

jni_url_decodeConfig2      10000  12355.233 ±   620.308  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4      10000  11942.370 ±   330.573  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1 10000  12318.419 ±   283.668  ns/op

Here we can see, that it performs slightly better than decode_config with passing size explicitly optimization. So, we could probably add all other optimizations and it will be slightly better. But what are the next possible optimizations here?

Actually, we have 2 things going here:

  1. Marshalling of encoded byte[] as input argument.
  2. Marshalling of decoded result as byte[] as returned value.

Could it be that JVM’s marshalling mechanism isn’t the most robust for our specific problem?

Allocate off-heap memory for the output

For off-heap allocation we can use Unsafe class. Method allocateMemory will return a long value, which represents an address in off-heap memory, which we need to pass via JNI.

In Java it would look like this:

public static native int decodeConfigSliceUrlSafe2(
  byte[] encoded,
  int size,
  long address,
  int outputSize

And the Rust implementation:

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigSliceUrlSafe2(
  env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  payload: jbyteArray,
  size: usize,
  output: *mut u8,
  output_size: usize,
) -> usize {
  let arr = env.get_byte_array_elements(

  let (input_slice, output_slice) = unsafe {
      std::slice::from_raw_parts(arr.as_ptr() as *const u8, size),
      std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_size),

  return base64::decode_config_slice(

As a result we return an actual number of decoded bytes. And then in Java we need to create a byte array (by using copyMemory):

byte[] toByteArray(long address, int length) {
  byte[] result = new byte[length];
  return result;

And also the next optimization for it — cache in thread local an off-heap memory, so we don’t need to allocate/release it for each JNI call.

And the benchmark:

Benchmark                      (length)      Score       Error  Units

jni_url_decodeConfig2               100    538.772 ±     4.381  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4               100    455.117 ±     3.990  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1          100    506.076 ±     5.490  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1NoCache   100    378.639 ±     3.030  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice2Cache     100    292.331 ±     4.535  ns/op

jni_url_decodeConfig2             10000  12355.233 ±   620.308  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4             10000  11942.370 ±   330.573  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1        10000  12318.419 ±   283.668  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1NoCache 10000  12322.464 ±    91.313  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice2Cache   10000  12071.756 ±   134.344  ns/op

We can see that for smaller payloads performance improvement is pretty much significant. For larger not so much, but still slightly better.

Allocate off-heap memory for both input and output

So, the next and (almost) the last step is to use off-heap buffers for both input and output data. This way we completely eliminate marshalling of byte[] from JVM to native.

In Java it looks like this:

public static native int decodeConfigSliceUrlSafe3(
  long inputAddress,
  int inputSize,
  long outputAddress,
  int outputSize

And in Rust:

pub extern "system" fn decodeConfigSliceUrlSafe3(
  _env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  input: *const u8,
  input_size: usize,
  output: *mut u8,
  output_size: usize,
) -> usize {
  let (input_slice, output_slice) = unsafe {
      std::slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_size),
      std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_size),
  return base64::decode_config_slice(

To copy input byte[] to off-heap we may use this code:

void copyFromByteArray(long address, byte[] input, int inputSize) {

And the benchmark:

Benchmark                               (length)      Score       Error  Units

jdk_url_decode                               100    232.112 ±     3.565  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig1                        100    662.213 ±    30.668  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4                        100    455.117 ±     3.990  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1                   100    506.076 ±     5.490  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1NoCache            100    378.639 ±     3.030  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice2Cache              100    292.331 ±     4.535  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice3CacheInputOutput   100    182.863 ±    26.261  ns/op

jdk_url_decode                             10000  19530.268 ±   590.507  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig1                      10000  12403.311 ±    99.469  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfig4                      10000  11942.370 ±   330.573  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1                 10000  12318.419 ±   283.668  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice1NoCache          10000  12322.464 ±    91.313  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice2Cache            10000  12071.756 ±   134.344  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice3CacheInputOutput 10000  11841.998 ±    60.984  ns/op

And a final chart for different payload sizes:

Performance of JDK vs base64::decode_config vs base64::decode_config_slice final version

The Ultimate Optimization

As I mentioned in update to my post about Base64 encoding in Rust, the fastest libraries isn’t base64 crate, but base64-simd crate. Let’s check out what would be if we use it. Also, knowing all these optimizations with off-heap memory and stuff:

pub extern "system" fn decodeSimdNative(
  _env: JNIEnv,
  _class: JClass,
  input: *const u8,
  input_size: usize,
  output: *mut u8,
  output_size: usize,
) -> usize {
  let (input_slice, output_slice) = unsafe {
      from_raw_parts(input, input_size),
      from_raw_parts_mut(output, output_size)
  let result = base64_simd::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.decode(


And benchmark results:

Benchmark                               (length)      Score       Error  Units

jdk_url_decode                               100    232.112 ±     3.565  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice3CacheInputOutput   100    182.863 ±    26.261  ns/op
jni_url_decodeSimdCargo                      100     76.619 ±     1.512  ns/op

jdk_url_decode                             10000  19530.268 ±   590.507  ns/op
jni_url_decodeConfigSlice3CacheInputOutput 10000  11841.998 ±    60.984  ns/op
jni_url_decodeSimdCargo                    10000   2918.582 ±   196.564  ns/op

Yup, it’s that epic of a difference! Basically, 19 μs vs 3 μs on 10K payload!

Sidenote: bazel vs cargo

I generally use bazel for all my stuff that I benchmark and test. But here I stumbled upon bad support for Rust: zero support in IntelliJ (there is a Rust plugin fork with the support, but it includes both bazel BUILD files and cargo files, which confuses me a bit). And the second thing is inability (well, maybe it’s just me) to configure it in a way so the base64-simd implementation would work with optimizations enabled. Here is the comparison of base64-simd built by bazel and by cargo:

Bazel vs Cargo performance for base64-simd

Yup, it’s 400+ μs vs 3 μs. Very sad. I spent few hours aligning configuration between my cargo project and bazel project, but without success. Other stuff works well: I managed to apply --codegen=opt-level=3 in bazel, and the performance of other stuff is more or less the same, but not base64-simd.

Of course it’s inconvenient to have a separate Rust project, but this way IntelliJ and optimizations work well.

JNI Cost

Let’s compare JNI call (optimized) vs raw call (for both base64 and base64-simd):

Method          payload         Raw        JNI

base64              100      167 ns     182 ns
base64-simd         100       46 ns      76 ns

base64            10000     10.2 μs    11.8 μs
base64-simd       10000      1.3 μs     2.9 μs

My guess that these ~30 ns difference (for 100 bytes payload) and ~1.6 μs difference (for 10K payload) is approximate time to do 2 memory copy operations. So, I checked it, and it seems so:

Benchmark                   (length)     Score     Error  Units
from_encoded_to_decoded          100    29.547 ±   3.860  ns/op
from_encoded_to_decoded        10000  1664.824 ±  39.950  ns/op

At the end, the overhead of using JNI is marshalling data to and from JNI plus some constant of accessing native code (I got something around 20 ns in a previous benchmark).


There are two main outcomes of these benchmarks:

  • Native outperforms Java (no surprise).
  • There are ways to improve Java-Native interop.

I’d like to reiterate optimizations:

  • Less JNI calls from the Rust (or whatever else native language you use) — the better. We saw slight performance improvement, for example, by removal get_array_length call.
  • Marshalling works well, but if you don’t need to marshall anything — the better performance would be. Even with double copying (input and output) it’s better. We don’t know if JNI actually copies data or just spends a lot of time ensuring safety with GC, but it’s faster to do 2 extra memory copy operations than marshalling data via JNI API.

I hope it was interesting enough! In my previous post about native access performance the example was too simple to assess JNI cost, and here is more real-world-ish example with clear. The cost of going to native is noticeable, but it may be still worth it as in this particular case.

Play with charts here. Source code is on GitHub. Originally posted on Medium. Cover image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke with my madskillz from Pixabay.