• Flying (in animal kingdom) is not only flying, also gliding and floating.
  • Weight grows as cube and surface are as square. So, smaller you’re - easier to fly. It kind of explains why mammals don’t fly - they tend to be big.
  • The biggest presumably flying dinosaur: Quetzalcoatlus.
  • A lot of animals lost their ability to fly (evolutionary), because an ability to fly is not necessary a big advantage (comparing to being bigger or move better on land).
  • An interesting example is puffin as it flies both under the water and in the sky. But it does it not in the most efficient way, because their wings are not as small as Penguin’s to be good for swimming, and not as big as Gull’s to be a good flier. But it has both abilities.
  • Is “fun” an evolutionary driver? It’s an interesting discussion.
  • Insect’s wings grows out of the thorax, and vertebrate’s wings are elongated “fingers”.
  • I liked the way Dawkins described that jargon of quantum physics makes sense because it described the real things, but the jargon for philosophy is obscure and makes much less sense to him (agreed!) :)