- 2017-12-24 CPU Utilization is Wrong.
Advanced explanation how to measure utilization (with Instruction Per Cycle metric).
- 2017-12-06 Debugging an evil Go runtime bug.
Rare type of detective articles on chasing bug. Amazing thriller and amazing final.
- xxxx-xx-xx JVM Serializers.
A good big article/research about serialization libraries for JVM.
- xxxx-xx-xx 15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development.
Good summary about well-known “Laws”.
“Funny” how developers decisions and technological ignorance could make harder a life of innocent people.
- xxxx-xx-xx JMock v. Mockito, but not to the death.
Simple explaination of JMock and Mockito paradigms.
- xxxx-xx-xx Why I Quit my Dream Job at Ubisoft.
High-end gamedev. Senior developer view.
- xxxx-xx-xx The End of the Internet Dream.
A sad story about Internet’s future.
- xxxx-xx-xx Fuck the Cloud.
Interesting thoughts about clouds and it’s place in our lives.
- xxxx-xx-xx What I tell all new programmers.
What is to be a software developer :)
- xxxx-xx-xx Closing a door.
A good entry point to the discussion about politeness. Particularly in Linux Kernel.
Interesting details about GitHub stack and infrastructure. A good point that it’s better to stick to a certain technology stack (language set) than trying to use everything new. And also a good point on focusing on a main business (scaling and presentation git) and took everything else from the outside.
- xxxx-xx-xx The Neophyte’s Guide to Scala.
Some explanations about how things work in Scala.
- xxxx-xx-xx Five Health Benefits of Standing Desks.
Stand-up software development justification.
- xxxx-xx-xx Please stop calling databases CP or AP.
A good thoughts about CAP theorem by Martin Kleppmann. What C, A and P exactly mean.